Trust in Tomorrow, by Dana Sweeney

Note: I received a free advanced reader copy of Trust in Tomorrow.

Rating: 🤩

I loved the first in the Stronghold series (Lust for Tomorrow), so I was very excited to receive an ARC of Trust in Tomorrow. And it did not disappoint (like at all), because this book—and the continued story of life in the Stronghold following the zombie apocalypse—is phenomenal.

Like its predecessor, Trust in Tomorrow is high heat. Unlike its predecessor, it is a slower burn—at least in terms of physical intimacy. While Nina and Tom developed their feelings for each other alongside their bedroom activities, Demetri and Stella fall in love by way of flirtation and books first (she’s a librarian and he reads her favorite books, and it’s just so damn sweet). So when they do consummate their relationship later, it hits. It definitely hits. For several chapters, it hits.

I loved Demetri in the first book. When I heard that Sweeney was writing him a book and romance of his own, I was stoked because I love a himbo MMC. (It might be because my husband is a bit of a himbo and I’m bookish, idk.) I loved getting to see his character further develop in Trust especially with his friendship with Tom, and how we he tried to make himself someone worthy of Stella’s affections (though imho, he already was to start with).

And Stella. Sigh. I just loved her. A lot of time in this book is spent in her head and for good reason—she’s been through a lot. I identified with her—especially as she wades through disassociation and depression before coming back into herself. And her growth from timid to badass was so so lovely to see, especially how she squared off with Judah.

Anyway. I loved this. I want more. I really hope Dana Sweeney writes more. (Tbh I really hope we get Judah’s story at some point, because he could be a juicy morally grey MMC.)