I'm Sarah Esterman—a "retired" tech marketer and current amateur potter, reader, gamer, and chronic illness-haver. I live in Portland, Oregon with my partner, 7 lb. Persian cat and bowling ball of a dog. My pronouns are they/she. I’m a huge fan of the em dash.
After more than a decade of doing lifecycle and email marketing, I retired from tech in 2023 to focus on my physical and mental health. Prior to that, I built up the lifecycle marketing structure and team at Webflow. And before that, I worked in the wild regulatory west of fintech, where I built the lifecycle marketing programs from scratch at Simple and Bumped.
A writer by nature, study, and trade, I sometimes write about my experience with disabling, comorbid chronic illness on this here website. (I also write sometimes about books, the concept of work, money, and whatever I need to rant about.)