Book review: Catching the Heiress, by Lucy Darling

Rating: 👍🏻

If you know me (which you probably don’t, because the internet is a vast world of strangers), you know I have a really big soft spot for instalust/instalove novellas. Like I eat that shit up. At this point, I have some go-to authors for my nighttime novella reading (Jessa Kane, MINK, Cassie Mint, and yes, Lucy Darling).

I also happen to love small-town runaway and found family situations. Catching the Heiress had both. It also had a heroine with Type 1 Diabetes, and I was glad to read this in July (I’m sorry, I’m behind on my review-writing) since it was Disability Pride Month.

Anyway, this one was fun and spicy, and had a whole “bounty hunter gets the girl” sort of thing, and I was into it. Also (minor spoiler here): he manipulates things around her, so she has no option but to stay with him—and he even removes the furniture from his guest room to make sure she sleeps in his bed. I was into it.