It'd be really easy to say this was a garbage year. Because—you know—what with the state of the world and all, it pretty much was.
But! There were also a lot of good things that happened (for me, personally), that are absolutely worth celebrating. I sat down with my partner, Robbie, this evening to reflect on the year and what went well for us, and I ended up with a decent list I'd like to share.
(In no particular order) I:
- left a job I was comfortable in for a job that was super out of my comfort zone
- spoke at 2 conferences: SearchLove San Diego, and Litmus Live San Francisco
- went to France with Robbie
- came back home from France inspired and started French classes (j'étudie le français)
- cleaned out my email inboxes and built the habit of keeping them at 0 unread (this seems like a ridiculous thing to have on an end-of-year accomplishment list, but this is kind of huge for me—I was a several-thousand-unread-emails type of person before)
- read over 30 books
- started climbing again
- made some improvements to our apartment after deciding to stay here for a few more years ('sup new portable dishwasher, you're still everything I wanted you to be)
- went on a vacation with a friend for the first time ever (seriously—I'm a late friend bloomer)
- built real friendships with people I love and trust
- learned how to ask for what I need
- learned how to ask for what I want
So, yeah. It's been a pretty decent year for me. I'm excited to see what the next year brings.